What is vaping and How it works?

Most people who classify themselves as vapers were originally smokers, as vaping is one of the most popular choices for smoking cessation in the UK.

Due to the nature of vaping, it makes logical sense to compare it to smoking to clarify any facts you may have read or heard from your news outlets or friends and family.

What’s Inside a Cigarette?

Cigarettes are known to contain over 4,000 chemicals such as Tar, Carbon Monoxide, Ammonia, Cyanide, Arsenic, Benzene, Nickel and many more. 43 of these known chemicals are classified as Carcinogenic which means they’re known as being cancer causing.

Cigarettes contain Nicotine, the addictive substance and the main reason people continue to smoke, which although is fairly harmful in low doses, it has been linked to hardening of the arteries. Large doses of nicotine can act as an depressant subsequently interrupting the flow of signals between nerve cells.

Some chemicals inside cigarettes such as Benzene is linked to Leukaemia or Nickel which causes increased susceptibility to lung infections. It’s clear that the contents of cigarettes are far from healthy and the health risks are substantially bad, it’s no wonder companies such as the NHS are backing e-cigarettes in an attempt to help smokers quit and move to a much less harmful method of nicotine delivery.

Vaping – How does it work?

Understanding how vaping works is fairly easy and straight forward when you break a device down into 3 parts: Battery, Tank & Coil.

  • The Battery/Mod sends power to the coil which heats it up
  • The coil, a metal spring wrapped in cotton wool, is heated up
  • E Liquid sits in the tank surrounding the Coil and saturates the coil’s cotton

Subsequent to the Coil heating the E liquid is vaporised and evaporates allowing a user to inhale the vapour for nicotine delivery in either a Mouth-To-Lung (MTL) or Straight-To-Lung (STL) fashion.

These coils have to be changed every so often due to the cotton burning out of the coil or the coils metal breaking from overuse.

What’s Inside E Liquid?

E Liquid is built up of 3 main chemicals and food flavourings; Nicotine is optional as some e liquids come without any.

PG – Propylene Glycol

This chemical is most known by vapers as PG, it’s a thin liquid that has a higher level of throat hit and carries flavour better than its counterpart Vegetable Glycerine. It can be found in an array of food as an additive and even some cosmetic products.

VG – Vegetable Glycerine

The producer of the vapour breathed out from vaporisers, VG is used in a variety of items such as pharmaceuticals and cosmetic products similar to PG. VG is known for being slightly sweeter and much thicker in consistency in comparison to PG.


This is delivered to the vapers brain 6 seconds after inhaling e liquid containing nicotine. Most e liquids, excluding Nicotine Salts, are pharmaceutical graded nicotine courtesy of the TPD legislation that came into effect in May 2016.

Having the correct level of nicotine is vital to the success of a user continuing to use a vape kit, so make sure to speak with a member of staff in any of our stores to discuss the correct level for you.

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